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What are the best ways to save money on my heating?

All it may take is a few little changes

Heating your home could quickly turn into a big outgoing especially in the winter months. However, with a few tweaks, there are ways that you could save money on your heating. You can do so by managing your home heating more efficiently. Whilst it may not seem to be a big change, the cumulative effect of lots of little changes could mean a bigger saving overall over a year.

Wear more clothes

It might seem like an obvious thing to do, but wearing more layers might mean you feel the cold less when you’re at home and therefore could mean less time spent with the heating on. Putting on an extra jumper could save lots compared to having the heating on round the clock.

Keep doors and windows closed

Again another fairly obvious course of action to save money on heating bills would be to keep windows closed and doors too. Even keeping internal doors closed can keep the heat in for longer. It will also prevent draughts and cold air getting in from outside. Closing curtains early on a dark gloomy day and keeping them open when it is sunny outside may also keep rooms warmer for longer.

Heat only the space you need

Turning off radiators that aren’t used and keeping the door shut will ensure that only the space you need is warmed through. For those with children, putting an extra cover on beds at night and heating rooms on a timer could save cash. During the day, keep activities downstairs. Doing so means that only the main living space needs warming up on those extra cold days.

Go out

It might sound silly but turning your heating off and going somewhere else to take advantage of theirs could cut down on your heating bill. Going to the supermarket, the gym or taking in a museum might reduce the time spent at home and therefore the need for heating to be turned on. Alternatively, wrap up warm and take a bracing walk outside – you are bound to feel warmer once you get home and appreciate the indoors a little more!

Turn down the thermostat

If you can, turn down the heating thermostat. Even turning down by just one notch could save money overall on heating bills.

Invest in insulation

Taking advantage of energy grants or investing yourself in better insulation for your home, particularly in the loft, could mean spending less on heating your home in the colder months. You’ll need to work out how worthwhile it is based on the cost versus investment.

Look at alternative heating methods

Solar panels and fires that run on greener energy might be a better option to having the central heating on.

Talk to a window and door specialist

Homes can lose heat from poorly fitted or broken doors and windows. Investing in new windows and doors or upgrading broken or loose-fitting installations could improve the heat retained in your home.

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