People are familiar with tactics like turning off electrical items when they’re not in use to save power. There are numerous other ways you can cut down your energy usage. This includes altering the way you use your central heating. Read on if you would like tips for energy saving through your central heating.
It can be worth spending money to heat your home when you know that it helps you stay comfy and cosy. That being said, there are ways that you can make a difference and reduce how much energy you use. An example is lagging your hot water tank to minimise waste heat.
Turn the heating down
You aren’t going to notice if your heating is set one degree lower. However, you won’t be using as much energy. This might be able to result in hundreds of pounds of savings across the year. Therefore, you should give it a try.
Thermostatic radiator valves
Is it time for a replacement?
An old central heating system that is reaching the end of its life will incur extra energy costs as it becomes less efficient to run. Many people might put off replacing it due to the price of a new system. Unfortunately, this will increase how much it costs you in the long term. A modern condensing boiler has a very high-efficiency rating. This makes them cheaper to run than older boilers. Consequently, it is one of the best options if you are looking at energy saving. It’s always worth it to consider installing new central heating.
As you can see, there are plenty of tips for saving energy through your central heating. Being energy efficient is a great way to reduce your environmental impact and you get to enjoy lower energy bills. If you are looking to make any changes to your boiler or central heating, you have come to the right place. The Warm team works to find an expert engineer or plumber in your area. They’ll do the work you need them to at an affordable cost. Call today or complete our quote form.