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London: Does my boiler qualify for the Boiler Cashback Scheme?

Thanks to the London Boiler Cashback Scheme, being sustainable is easier and more cost-effective than ever.

The government provides £400 cashback and all you have to do is replace your old boiler. According to the Mayor of London, replacing the single appliance will allow you to save 20 per cent on energy, and pay £340 less on your heating bill. On the whole, it will reduce London’s annual fuel bills by over £2.2 million. The scheme is part of the City’s commitment to reduce its emissions by 60 per cent by the year 2025.

To be eligible for the Cashback Scheme, you must own your own home or be a private landlord with property in London.

* You or the agent who manages your property must also be accredited with the London Rental Standard.

Accreditation involves five steps:

  1. Choosing your accreditation scheme from a specific list of providers.
  2. Booking your course (which costs £89.90 if you book and make your payment online).
  3. Attending the course (This short course will enlighten you on a number of important matters, including preventing condensation and mould, health and safety regulations, etc).
  4. Obtaining your London Rental Standard badge and accreditation number.
  5. Accessing discounts from London Rental Standard partners.

** You must own a gas, LPG, oil or solid boiler which is the main boiler used to heat your home. The appliance must be 70 per cent or less efficient and must be in standard working order. Even if you are just renting, you may be able to avail of the scheme. Ask your landlord to apply. You can gauge whether or not your boiler is 70 per cent or less efficient by yourself. If its pilot light is permanently on, it is gas fired and over 15 years old, or oil fired and over 25 years old, and if it is situated in the fireplace, chances are, it will be eligible.

Eligibility for the London Boiler Cashback Scheme

You are not considered eligible for the scheme if:

The above requirements should be strictly met before you apply for a scheme. The government sends its professionals to carry out random checks in order to see whether or not you comply with all requirements. They also carry out property, accreditation and installer checks.

Apply for the London Boiler Cashback Scheme on once you obtain your voucher, book someone in to install the new boiler. Once the work has been completed, you will have to claim the cashback within 12 weeks.